
I provide a variety of photography and videography services to private clients, businesses, municipalities, and cities. Here are a few references as examples. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to see more or learn more about my services.
Over 500 satisfied customers!
Clients from Finland and around the world: Croatia, Italy, France, Norway, and Finnish Lapland!

Digisähkö Oy
”Our goal was to achieve a high-quality visual identity, and because we produce high-quality smart homes and our customers appreciate quality, it was clear that we wanted to have high-quality visual material that communicates and supports the same goal. That’s where it all started.”– Jani Hirvonen, Digisähkö Oy.

Porvoon kaupunki
“Overall, the most important thing in all work is to find reliable partners who understand the special characteristics and needs of the client’s operations. Niko has a good understanding of the operations of municipalities and cities, which helps to smoothly implement joint projects.” – Sari Myllynen, Porvoon kaupungin matkailu- ja markkinointipäällikkö

Collaboration with Elega began in 2022, and since then, I have been involved in various types of photo production, including product, portrait, and event photography, as well as customer reference videos featuring Pippa Laukka, Sara Sieppi, Costee, Pernilla Böckerman, and Karoliina Tuominen.
Get in touch!
I’m happy to provide more information